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Businesses are urged to harness the power of AI technology


Artificial intelligence: transforming industries and empowering new working strategies

Artificial intelligence (AI), considerably generative AI, has the potential to create new options, reshape industries, and empower new methods of working. Nevertheless, it’s important that its use and enchancment relies totally on responsibility and governance to make sure that it’s not used inappropriately. In keeping with IT industrialists, AI have to be harnessed ethically, responsibly, pretty, and transparently.

The affect and potential of AI

AI has been acknowledged as one of many many transformative utilized sciences which have modified the world. Comply with the net, cell expertise and cloud computing as a revolutionary innovation. Throughout a panel dialogue titled AI Revolution: Earnings, Progress, and Perils on the Bangkok Submit Tech Conference 2023, Dhanawat Suthumpun, Managing Director of Microsoft Thailand, highlighted that AI presents a chance for each the non-public and non-private sectors.

AI has been developed to behave like a consumer interface that enables folks to speak to pc programs in a pure method. You would in all probability understand and interpret pure language, making it simpler for folks to work collectively knowledgeably. This enchancment opens up potential for AI to assist customers with numerous duties, similar to studying and summarizing data, and even producing viewable content material based mostly on human creativeness.

Whereas AI presents important options, it’s important to emphasise accountable and ethical use. Mr. Dhanawat insisted that AI shouldn’t exchange folks, however quite be seen as a co-pilot, supporting folks and enhancing productiveness. As well as, folks should keep management over the AI, making the ultimate choices about its use and actions.

Collaborating with AI for innovation

Mr. Dhanawat additionally impressed collaboration between folks and AI in content material creation. As an alternative of counting on AI for automated duties, he believes in a future the place folks will co-create content material with AI. This technique fosters creativity and innovation by leveraging the capabilities of AI as a digital co-pilot.

Moreover, Mr. Dhanawat proposed the occasion of super capabilities for the vacationers by utilizing generative synthetic intelligence and vacationer data. These options would supply customized journey planning recommendations and concepts based mostly totally on particular person preferences, enhancing the general journey expertise.

Attempting a greater image, Mr. Dhanawat urged the Thai authorities to allocate a major worth vary to seek out an AI Sandbox for startups and SOEs. This space of ​​collaboration would facilitate the examine and collaboration within the enchancment of AI.

AI Adoption Coaching

In a separate dialog, Chai Wutiwiwatchai, managing director of the Nationwide Middle for Electronics and Laptop Know-how (Nectec), confused the significance of upskilling the workforce for AI adoption. He considered AI as a human co-pilot, enabling corporations to benefit from enterprise options and public benefits.

AI literacy must be improved in all organizations to take full benefit of this contemporary expertise. Mr. Chai confused that the advance of AI requires a governance framework that ensures transparency, accountability, safety, privateness and equity.

Drive AI adoption and governance

Mr. Chai emphasised three important aspects of AI adoption for companies: assessing advantages, contemplating ease of value and extension, and establishing AI governance. To make sure reliability, governance performs a crucial place in AI enchancment.

The Thai authorities, by the Ministry of Digital Financial system and Society, has already initiated efforts to tell corporations about compliance with AI governance recommendation and necessities. The Nationwide Nationwide Financial System and Society Fee are additionally drafting AI guidelines to supply a complete framework for AI enchancment in Thailand.

As well as, the Nationwide Science and Know-how Improvement Firm and the Digital Transaction Improvement Firm performed a examine on the readiness of corporations to make use of AI expertise within the provision of digital providers. The examine revealed {that a} vital variety of corporations have already carried out AI, whereas others have plans to implement this expertise sooner or later.

Ceaselessly Requested Questions (FAQ)

1. What’s generative AI and the way does it have an effect on industries?

Generative AI is a type of synthetic intelligence that has the flexibility to create new content material and generate data. This expertise can reshape industries by providing new enterprise fashions and empowering new methods of working.

2. How can AI be used as a co-pilot with folks?

AI can act as a co-pilot by serving to folks with numerous duties, similar to studying and summarizing data, producing visible content material, and providing customized recommendations. Individuals retain management over AI and make remaining choices about its use.

3. What are the ethical considerations of utilizing AI?

Using AI needs to be based mostly totally on responsibility, governance, ethics, duty, equity and transparency. It shouldn’t exchange folks however quite enhance productiveness and create new skilled options.

4. How can corporations efficiently undertake AI?

Firms should prioritize upskilling their workforce to construct AI literacy. They need to additionally contemplate the advantages of AI, ease of value and extension, and arrange AI governance to make sure reliability and compliance with suggestions and necessities.

5. What initiatives are the Thai authorities taking to promote AI adoption?

AI requirements are dealt with by the Thai authorities by the Ministry of Digital Financial system and Society and the Nationwide Digital Financial system and Society Fee. In addition they supply steerage and assist to companies by initiatives just like the AI ​​Governance Clinic.


Artificial intelligence, considerably generative AI, has the potential to revolutionize industries and empower new methods of working. Nevertheless, accountable use, governance, and ethical considerations are necessary to make sure that AI is harnessed for the great of society. Collaboration between folks and AI, together with efforts to enhance expertise, will drive innovation and productiveness. As we transfer ahead, you will need to harness the potential of AI whereas sustaining human administration and creativity.

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